Trackmania: Speaking of track editors, the king is still alive and kicking.Plus, one of the founders went on to develop iRacing once the company folded.
On top of Grand Prix Legends, we can thank these folk for the cult-favorite PC version of motorcycle combat racer Road Rash, SODA Off-Road Racing and its insane track editor, and NASCAR Racing 2003 Season, which was so advanced for its time that actual drivers like Dale Earnhardt, Jr. Road rash, SODA Off-Road Racing, Nascar Racing 2003 Season (also Papyrus): Of all the developers represented on this list, few are as wide-ranging and influential in their output as Papyrus Design Group in the mid-nineties and early 2000s.Hydro Thunder can be found on Xbox Live-it's still just as fun without the full-size arcade cabinet-while you can still barrel roll through Wave Race 64 on the Wii U Virtual Console. Hydro Thunder/Wave Race 64: Alright, so it's not car racing per se, but these two late-nineties aquatic racers deserve an honorable mention for both pushing the limits of the day's technology in rendering their water-filled courses, and creating two incredibly fun games in the process.